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Department of Vacuum and Process Equipment

Source: Release time:2018-10-22 Author: Clicks:

The precursor to the Vacuum module in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Hefei University of Technology was the Vacuum Technology and Equipment major, established in 1974. It is one of the only two vacuum majors in China. Over the past 30 years, the department has trained more than 1,000 undergraduate graduates.

The Department of Vacuum and Process Equipment consists of two majors: Mechanical Design and Automation (Vacuum module) and Process Equipment and Control Engineering.Currently,there are 4 professors and researchers, 5 associate professors, and 9 individuals with doctoral degrees. The laboratory occupies an area of 1200 square meters and is equipped with several millionRMBworth of experimental equipment and instruments, allowing for various scientific experiments such as vacuum coating and comprehensive experiments in process equipment.


Address:Box 12, No.193 Tunxi Road, Hefei City, Anhui Province postcode: 230009
TEL:+86 551 62901326
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